The Family

The Family

Thursday, January 27, 2011


For two nights now, Keaton has been sleeping better. Now don't get me wrong, he still wakes up a couple of times each night...but he actually has been sleeping in between the wakings, which is progress. It's really weird. It's like he's adjusted his "fussy, wanna be held, cry for a couple of hours" time from 10:30 start time to about 7:00. For the past two nights, he has started crying at around 7:00 and has fussed until about 9:30. Then, when it comes time to give him a bath and put him to bed, he goes down fine. This is what he had been doing from about 10:30 until 3:00 in the morning. So, I'm just thrilled he seems to be moving his fussy time to a more manageable hour! I sure hope I'm not speaking too soon. It seems like everytime I open my big mouth... Oh well, guess I better knock on wood, just in case.

Keaton is so different than Cale. Cale was the baby who never would sleep in our bed. Well, we never tried it when he was little but as he got older there have been times when traveling, etc. where we've tried to get him to sleep with us and he refuses. Absolutely, no way. Keaton on the other hand would be happy to do all of his sleeping in our bed. I know it's dangerous to have a newborn in bed with you, but on his rough nights...I've finally given in. Last night, after his first waking, he kept crying when I put him in his pack-n-play. So, finally I just put him beside me in the bed and he slept like a dream. Luckily we have a king size bed and it's big enough that there's pretty much no way Carl would roll over on Keaton because he's all the way on the other side. Now, me on the other hand am the one that probably needs to be worried. I sleep cuddled right up to Keaton when he's in our bed. I'm not a real sound sleeper so I don't think there's any way I could roll over on Keaton and not wake up. Although something strange did happen this morning. I always put Keaton in the middle when I put him in bed with us. When I woke up this morning, I was in the middle and he was on the outside. How on earth did this happen? I know I must not have smushed him, because he never cried and is fine this morning. Sooo, I'm baffled. But, it does kinda scare me a little.

I'm going to try breaking Keaton of this bad habit because even though it's fun having him to cuddle with, I would sleep much better with him in his own bed. And pretty soon, if we get him sleeping better, his own bed will be put in his own room...instead of ours! I'm tired of hearing every breath and wimper and sneeze!

Our sleeping arrangement is so messed up right now. Keaton sleeps in our room and sometimes in our bed. Cale sleeps in Keaton's room in his old crib. No one sleeps in Cale's room in the toddler bed. Well, according to Cale his "trains" sleep in his room on the train table (he tells them goodnight each evening). But, nothing living sleeps there. Yeah, we probably need to work on getting this straightened out. I'm thinking we may be buying a second crib. Cale went from waking up and getting out of bed 12 times in one night, to sleeping through the night without a peep. From the day we put him back in the crib he hasn't woken up one single time at night. I'll tell you the truth, I'm horrified to try putting him back in the toddler bed. Why ruin a good thing? So, maybe by summer, or end of summer (yes, I will probably think of every excuse to avoid it) we might try the big boy bed again. Maybe our big boy will have some self-control by then! Or we may just have to put a lock on the outside of the room. Don't judge us! Just wait until you have a stubborn two-year old who refuses to stay in bed no matter the number of spankings or the number of times you pick him up and put him straight back to bed (seriously, 12 times one night). You just might consider locking the door, too. Or strapping him into the bed. Well, that might be frowned upon just a little.

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