The Family

The Family

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Week...We Survived!

Well, we survived our first week with two little ones. Well, one "little" one and one who seemed little up until a week ago. Now, our two-year old "baby" suddenly seems like a giant! Everything from his beefy hands to his 30 pound's like he became a little boy overnight. So far, having two kids doesn't seem so hard. But, I'm not that naive. I know that Keaton hasn't even begun to wake up yet, so for now things are pretty calm. Our days seem too good to be true. Keaton sleeps a large part of the day. He's content sleeping in the pack-n-play or propped up on the boppy pillow on the couch (which is a bit risky with big brother running around). It seems that throughout the day Keaton only cries when he's hungry or gassy. But, at night he turns into this different baby. It's so crazy. Usually somewhere between 10:00-10:30 (like clockwork) Keaton begins to cry. That seems to usually be around feeding time, so I change him, feed him, swaddle him up, and put him in his bed. But, instead of being content like he is ALL day, the minute I put him down he cries. I pick him back up and with a little coercing, he stops. I put him down, he cries. Every night since we've had him home, we repeat this same routine. Put him down, cry, pick him up, quiet. This goes on until 2:30 or 3:00 each night. Then, suddenly he becomes content to just lay and sleep. He then usually sleeps until morning and of course sleeps most of the day away. We thought it could be colic, but really he isn't inconsolable during that 10:00-3:00 time. He just really wants to be held which is crazy because throughout the day he really doesn't seem to mind sitting by himself at all. Some people have told us he could have his days and nights confused. Which I'm thinking may be it, but it still doesn't make sense. He does have wakeful times throughout the day and he will just sit contentedly and look around. So, I don't understand why at night, at the same time each night, he gets so discontent. Oh well, newborns are a mystery!

I'm just so glad that we are more experienced this time around. I'm so happy that my body seems to be adjusted to lack of sleep. It's like I'm so used to not getting great sleep, that it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. I remember with Cale, the lack of sleep just about caused several meltdowns on my part. Which is crazy because with Cale, when he was sleeping throughout the day, I could nap whenever I wanted (not that I actually did, that was my mistake!). With Keaton it's a little harder because I have to wait to nap until Cale goes to sleep. And usually Cale's nap isn't that long so...that means I don't get much time to make up for lost sleep.

But, somehow my body seems to be coping with it. And I'm not a "basket-case", so mentally I seem to be coping with it! Well, not a basket-case yet. Yet, being the key word. A few weeks of 3 hours/night of sleep...and I most likely may become a little crazy. But, I'm hoping Keaton will have things figured out by then. I mean, we had a long talk yesterday afternoon about the proper time to sleep. And I really thought last night was going to be different. I thought that stern "talking-to" was just what Keaton needed. But, I guess he is just as stubborn as his big brother because he didn't listen to a thing I said. Imagine that!

Aside from the sleeping situation, life is great right now. It's really better than I expected. I love my two little boys, and my big boy. I guess I kinda like being surrounded by boys, to tell you the truth. I love, love, love being able to have caffiene without guilt or reservation. We have gone to Sonic every single day since Keaton's birth. A large Dr. Pepper never tasted so good. Yes, I am making up for lost time, and then some. This is pitiful but I'm going to fess up. I am truly a different person when my caffiene intake isn't limited. I seriously felt a change when I started drinking caffienated cokes and coffee in excess again. I'm getting giddy just writing about it! And Carl has even noticed a change in my mood. That's sad, right? Sad, but true.

Happy Hour=Happy Momma.

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