The Family

The Family

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Vacation...Oh, How I've Longed For You

This week is my first official week of summer vacation. It's still a little hard to believe that I don't have to go to work, (well staying home with Cale is almost more work than my actual "job") until August. I've been enjoying the extra time with Cale so far...we've already made many trips to the park (, actually) and we've spent hours playing in the dirt outside our house. Yes, I'll be very glad when all of the sod is completely laid and maybe Cale won't have so many mudholes to explore, dissect, and yes, even taste. Everytime we play outside Cale has to have a bath afterwards, so it's a little bit of a hastle! But, thanks to my dad, my bro-in-law, and Carl we now have an almost finished yard full of grass!

Cale and I have gone to VBS at our church the past 2 mornings which has been fun. Cale's been in the toddler room and I've been working in the craft room. VBS lasts from 9:30-12:00, so Cale has to make it until then before a nap. We've been experimenting with the one-nap thing. I say experimenting because it's been a bit of a struggle. I thought I would just let him keep taking 2 naps, even though the second one is usually a huge battle that sometimes (okay, oftentimes) ends up with Cale as the victor. But, lately the problem is that he's not ready for his 2nd nap until about 5:00, which is too late and just not practical for a naptime. So, I've toyed with the idea of one. The problem with one nap (there seems to be a problem with everything) is that Cale wakes up at about 6:30 most mornings and it's extremely hard for him to make it until noon without sleep. So, we're struggling but hopefully will get a pattern down. I don't think being a parent ever really gets any easier, the struggles just change and look a little different with each phase of a child's life.

We are going to Branson this week with my family. We're excited but also a little disappointed because we were planning to go to Florida *sigh*, but the oil...blah, blah, know the rest. At least Branson is a much shorter drive and we're very glad to not have to endure the 12-hour screaming, jump-through-hoops-just-to-make-him-stop-crying-even-if-it-involves-way-too-much-chocolate-coke-tickling-cartoon watching-food-in-general-mommy-acting-like-a-fool-and-climbing-to-the-backseat-making-way-too-many-stops-for-relief, torture with Cale. We're excited to get away for a few days and have some fun with the family! I just hope Cale feels good and I wish these stinkin' teeth would just come through already! They've made their presence known for months but just won't come out of hiding. Cowards. My finger has been painfully bitten many times because of those swollen knots. Yes, I'm angry at teeth. I'm ranting and raving about teeth. It seems strange, but it is what it is! I've also been angry at ears many times since I've had a child!

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