The Family

The Family

Monday, June 21, 2010

Now comes the waiting game...

So, today was the big day. We officially found out we are pregnant again! We've unofficially (I say unofficially because even after 3 pregnancy tests and lots of symptoms, I still second guessed myself) known for about a month. We had planned to start trying this summer, in hopes of having a spring baby. But, I think there's no use in trying to plan things like this because plans always change. About a month ago, I decided to take a pregnancy test, not thinking I could possibly be pregnant at all because we hadn't even started "trying". But, it had been several months since my last period (which is fairly normal for an irregular person like myself) and I had started noticing a change in my stomach. Now, I had been working out fairly often and my eating habits hadn't changed so I was a little suspicious. My jaw dropped when I saw the plus. I think I was way more surpised this time than with Cale. I think Carl was more surpised than I was. So having no idea when we got pregnant, we were excited for our first appointment so that we could see how far along we were. But, of course the first available appointment was a month away.

So, we spent the last month wondering. To tell you the truth, I thought I was 12+ weeks along because it had been so long since my period. Also, I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring since March because all of the sudden it started giving me a bad rash that itches and swells. After making Carl promise he didn't get it out of a Cracker Jack box, I decided to just go without wearing it for awhile. After we found out we were pregnant, I started thinking maybe that had something to do with my rash. I looked it up online and sure enough lots of pregnant women have the same problem. Also, I had lots of weird arm and leg rashes last pregnancy. Once again we thought we must have been pregnant since March.

Lastly, my stomach is already getting bigger and I've already gained 4 pounds (I don't really know when the weight gain started, but I'm 4 pounds heavier than my normal weight) I mean, when I'm in a tight shirt, I actually look a little pregnant. I can barely button my pants and am thinking about making Carl go up into the attic (because that's what husbands are for) and get my belly bands out. So, once again, I was just sure I was at least 12 weeks along, probably more.

Well, I was shocked today to find out that I'm 7 weeks. Excited, but shocked! 7 weeks! That means I was like 3 weeks when I found out, which seems really early. And what the heck is up with my stomach? If my pants are barely fitting at 7 weeks, I can only imagine what I'll look like when I'm 9 months along.

I have to say, so far this pregnancy has been much harder than my first. I've been very nauseated and more tired than I ever imagined I could feel. I've been napping every day which is something I never do. I really mean never. When Cale's asleep I can barely make myself get up off the couch. It's really bad and all I can say is I'm so thankful I'm a teacher and have this time off. And the hunger. Oh the hunger. The past few weeks, I'm so ridiculously hungry that it's painful. I eat and eat (I know, I're thinking, "Well that's why your pants won't fit!" But, I'm telling you, it's like a life or death situation when I feel hungry right now) and within an hour I'm, so hungry I feel like I haven't eaten in a day! I'm actually not being sarcastic. I didn't know I could feel this starving, this often. I will actually be very glad when that symptom goes away...if it goes away. And if it doesn't, well let's just say I will be big!

All the whining aside, we are very excited to be pregnant again. Excited and nervous about having two kids. How do you take care of two? How do you give them attention and love equally? How do you rest when you have two? How do you go to dinner? (you probably don't very often?) But, I'm sure it all works out. Boy or girl, we really don't have much preference. Either one would be awesome!


  1. I did the same thing (getting bigger early) when I was pregnant with Shasta & Brandon. When I went in for my first visit to make sure I was pregnant, they told me I was a lot further along than I thought & I knew better. I asked if it could possibly be twins because I had a feeling it was, they just laughed at me and told me it was a possibility but I wasn't....well you know the rest of the it is a possibility. I am very happy for you Lori & love you bunches!! :-)

  2. Prepare yourself!! The 2nd one is totally different...I started showing a lot earlier, and gained double the amount of weight!! Good luck though! I'm sure you will be as cute as ever! Having 2 is kind of harder at first. I didn't get to go & do as much, but once they get older, it is GREAT! They have each other to play with & you can get a small break ever now & then, lol! :) Congratulations!!

  3. Thank you guys, that's sweet! We're nervous about 2, but I keep telling myself there are people out there who have 4 or 5 so surely we can handle 2!

  4. We're so excited for you! Isn't it funny how people say every pregnancy is different??'s so true! I showed ALOT faster with Braden than with Halle. And you will figure out really quickly how to deal with 2 kiddos! It just comes naturally. The best part is seeing your babies love on each other...such a blessing that will melt your heart everyday! Again, Congrats!!

  5. Thank you Anneke! We hope that Cale will be a sweet big brother!
