The Family

The Family

Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's Just Been One of Those Weeks!

Have you ever had one of those weeks that you just want to erase? A week that makes you want, no long, to go back to work where things are easy? I never thought work would seem like a relief! Well, that was my week. Oh, where to begin? Well, to start let's just say Dalebert was present all week long. And I don't mean a mild form of Dalebert-ishness here and there. Oh no, this has been, full-on Dalebert, almost 24/7 at his most horrifying yet. Guess Calebert took a vacation or some kind of leave, I don't know. All I know is that he must come back soon or I'

Cale has whined, cried, and thrown tantrums more this week than in his entire life put together. When I try to walk he's between my legs, when I try to cook he's pushing/pulling me backwards, when I try to do most anything he screams (which also involves lots of tears and throwing himself on the ground oh-so-dramatically). Thank heavens for the outdoors. That is the one thing that has saved us this week. He's typically content when outside, although today even running through the grass pushing his Cozy Coupe or riding his tractor just couldn't make things better. There was even a frog incident this morning. During a screaming fit, I frantically took Cale out to the back porch (because from experience, I've learned that this usually calms the storm quickly and rather painlessly...that is until time to go back inside in which the storm brews all over again) So, when we got outside we noticed our pet walking stick, whom we call Twiggy,was perched on the window. So, we headed over to give him a pet (he's been living on our back porch for a few weeks now) While checking him out, we noticed a frog had planted his slimy little self on our new patio furniture. Of course, Cale loved the frog, although he wouldn't think of touching it. Oh no, he wanted me to touch it. Now, I'll touch Twiggy the walking stick to humor my son (even though I don't particularly enjoy it), but for some reason I really didn't want to touch that frog. So, I decided I wouldn't give in. Cale pulled my arm, he tugged on my hand, he even forcefully got my fingers very close, but I wouldn't do it. Well, let's just say that saying "pick your battles wisely" applies here. I probably should have touched the stupid thing because the tantrum of all tantrums began. That was one of about 30 today. I'm not even kidding.

What's almost worse than the day time drama is the night time screaming. For some reason this week Cale has been waking up 2-3 times a night crying inconsolably. I get up, go in his room, try to make him feel better and he screams even harder, pushing my hands away and not letting me hold him. It was so bad one night, that (after getting up 3 times to try to calm Cale and being unsuccessful), the fourth time I got up and threw the baby monitor at the wall. I know, I know. I tell Carl that he can't hold me accountable for things I say and do in the middle of the night when Cale is having "one of those nights" and I'm not getting any sleep. (On a side note, it perturbs me just a bit that Carl can sleep through every minute of the screaming) Then, I went back to sleep only to wake up a few hours later feeling guilty wondering how long Cale cried after the monitor was off. Needless to say I turned it back on. Well, pretty much that same scenario has repeated itself all week long (well, besides the monitor-throwing thing...that only happened once, I promise!)

So, tomorrow Cale is going to his babysitter and I'm going shopping with my mom and sister. Let's just say I'm a little more than excited. A day off with something other than cleaning, grocery shopping, and cooking to do. I'm sure halfway through the day I will begin missing my little guy because no matter how difficult he seems sometimes, I love him to pieces and wouldn't trade him for the world. But, in those moments when I'm beginning to miss him I will just think back on the week's events. Events that I would rather just forget, but events that will probably occur many more times in Cale's young life. I guess I just need to toughen up. I mean, we still have the 'terrible twos' heading our way in about 6 months!


  1. Lori--is he teething???? All those symptoms sound like he might be getting his BIG molars. The 2 year ones. Pax was a MONSTER for a week straight when those came in. Hope he's feeling better!

  2. Kelsey, he is definitely teething which is horrible! But, we actually found out this week he's got a mouth full of ulcers. I guess he was beginning to get them last week, which explains the fussiness. But, it can't compare to this week. Yikes!

  3. oh no!! that sounds terrible. :( i can't imagine the pain he must be in...probably worse than teeth. poor baby! hope you all get back to normal soon.
