The Family

The Family

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today in Sunday school it was our turn for nursery duty. I have a love-hate relationship with nursery duty. I love it because I love to watch Cale interacting with other babies. I love it because I get to spend a little extra time with Cale. I love it because I just love babies in general. But I hate it because at the time we work, the babies have already been in the nursery for an hour. So, our hour of work is "nap-refusing-but-needing tremendously" meltdown time. One baby starts crying and and it's like a domino effect with the others. It's actually really funny to listen to. If I worked in the nursery every Sunday, I think I would develop some pretty nice biceps from toting around multiple toddlers at once! But, we made it through our hour + of childcare and then put our own little one in the car, where he finally crashed.

Cale is changing so much lately. Physically he's getting bigger all the time. He looks like a baby-football lineman right now! But of course it's not only his looks that are changing. We're really starting to see his personality. When Cale was first born, we wondered what he would be like. We daydreamed about it constantly. At that young age it's just impossible to tell. But now he's becoming less of a mystery. He's loving, sneaky, independent, hard-headed, funny....mischevious. He also has a lot to say and he says it with force. He can say ball, book, more, bite, dog, an almost understandable form of "car", truck, nan, bop (aka pop), bot-bot (aka name for his sippy cup) and lots of gibberish that we are left wondering about. He loves to "feed" himself (if we can call it that) and gets highly insulted when we to try to hold the spoon for him. He puts his face down in a pillow, slaps the floor, and cries when told "no" or "don't do that"...even in a playful tone.

When he gets something he's not suppossed to have, like my Sonic drink for example, he runs away quickly looking over his shoulder the whole time. He knows he's not suppossed to but, of course, that just makes it all the more appealing, right? Sometimes I think we would be better off putting the stuff he's not suppossed to get, out in the open, within his reach. Then, maybe the appeal would wear off. And we could put the things that don't matter in drawers/cabinets/shelves as if they were a great mystery and of some kind of special importance. Maybe that would work...but something tells me babies are smarter than that.

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