The Family

The Family

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Husband that Plays Opposum

So, we are currently going through teething phase number...who knows? I lost count awhile back after the first four teeth or so! But let me tell you, these back teeth are killers! But, seeing how huge they look in Cale's little mouth, I can see what all the fuss is about! So, since it's teething time, we've had the usual 1-2 night wakings the past few nights. Last night, I heard Cale crying so I lay there with my fingers crossed, hoping that maybe he would fall back to sleep as he occassionaly does. All of the sudden after a couple of minutes of crying, I felt my husband's leg nudge mine. I sat there thinking, "Surely that was an accident and he just happened to hit my leg in the process of rolling over. I mean, surely he didn't HEAR Cale crying, because he always claims he has no idea when Cale wakes up." (according to him, that is) Suddenly I felt the nudge again. And then a third time. I thought, "Oh no he didn't! Is he seriously nudging me to wake me up so I can take care of this?" So, the truth finally comes out. All this time Carl has been playing opossum. I mean, I always thought it was strange how he woke up with Cale some in the beginning but then suddenly as Cale began to get older, Carl mysteriously stopped waking to his cries. Well, right then and there I kicked Carl back and asked him what he expected me to do about it. He groggily sat up and, acting like he had just woke up, mumbled, "What's going on?" He was lucky I was too tired to argue or put up a fight. So, I just dragged myself out of bed and went into Cale's room to find him fussing and sopping wet. This is an occurrence that has been happening more and more lately. On a side note, we've gone up a size in diapers but he still fills them up so fast. I guess it's all the fluids he's drinking in this hot weather. When I realized how wet Cale was I was kinda glad that it was me who got up instead of Carl. I don't think Carl would've realized Cale was lying in pee. He probably would've handed him a sippy of milk and bolted out of there back to bed! ;) Men! Sometimes I wonder how they could survive without women!

Well, by this morning, to Carl's luck, I had completely forgotton the leg nudging incident. But, I guess guilty Carl felt he must confess. He had heard Cale crying, nudged me several times because he thought I wasn't awake (and heaven forbid he get up in the middle of the night and take care of it!), and then pretended he'd been asleep the whole time he when I got mad, kicked him, and griped at him for not getting up! Just as I had thought! Men don't realize how lucky they are to have women! But just wait until Cale starts crying again in the middle of the night. I've got a few hard kicks I'm saving up for my dear husband! Or maybe I'll just push him out of the bed. We shall see! :)


  1. Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has happened to! Josh never got up with the girls...I always thought most of the time it was b/c he didn't hear them. But, there was once when he nudged me several times to get up & get Emma. Why couldn't he get up & get her? It made me so mad! I'm mad all over again now thinking about it! LOL! :)

  2. Haha, I know! Men! Carl was really good in the newborn days but now that Cale is older and sleeping better, he somehow manages to sleep right through it! Or so I thought!
