The Family

The Family

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So much to do, so little time...

So, we sold our house last month. (Breathe a sigh of relief) While I am happy about this, we have to be out in February. The house we're building on Crow Mountain won't be finished until at least April. So, that leaves us homeless for several months. My parents, have graciously volunteered for us to stay with them. We agreed, even though they live near Hector and it will be a little bit of a drive to get to work, because no rent for a few months will really help us save some money. But, I don't know if my parents know what they're getting into. Carl, Cale, and me for 2-3 months?!! My dad's the contractor for our new house, so if everything "mysteriously" starts speeding up in the next few months and we get to move in early, I think I'll know why!

Since I'm going to be off for a few more days, I have the heavy weight of packing lying on my shoulders. 'Good Lori' says, "Pack as much as possible now. It will save time and labor later on when you're busy". But, 'Procrastinator Lori' says, "You're only off a few more days. Rest, relax, enjoy some much-needed free time."

Well, in the battle of packing I think 'Good Lori' prevailed. My mom checks Craig's List often and because of her, I lucked into about 25 boxes from a couple that recently moved to the area. So, I picked up the boxes today and have gradually started clearing some items out of cabinets in the kitchen. It's a very miniscule start on a huge task, but at least I've begun. Too bad I just can't seem to get those stinkin' boxes put together. Pretty bad when a box outsmarts you! That's what husbands are for. Well that, and putting junk in the attic. (I hate going in our attic; dark, musty....scary. I just know there are living creatures of some kind up there).

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