The Family

The Family

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy, Happy Birthday Baby!

Our little bundle of joy, not so little anymore, turned one year old today! We've waited for this day since the moment he was born. Not that we wish his life away. But, it seems like "one" is such a milestone for little ones. We associate "one" with walking, talking, playing and interacting with toys, and really developing a personality. Cale has been doing all of these things lately, and is more fun than ever. He is learning so much right now. He's literally a sponge, soaking up things that we don't even realize. He amazes me daily with his ability to grow and develop just by simply being an observer. He tries to put food on a spoon, puts the phone up to his ear when he gets it, goes and gets his ball/car when you tell him to, says "Mama, Dada, uh-oh, hi, bye", plays chase and hides. These all seem like small things to outsiders, but to first time parents, these are amazing feats.

Carl and I love Cale so much. Our love for him grows everyday. Just when we think we can't love him any more, another day goes by and we do. When we put Cale to bed at night, it's a matter of time before we quietly sneak into his room and stare adoringly into his crib. We usually do this at least twice a night. It's a routine we've grown to love. When we look at him, it's like we can literally feel our hearts swell. How someone so small can cause a feeling so big, is amazing. One of the most special moments in parenthood is feeling love in return from your little one. I remember wondering if Cale loved me. I knew he must. I was his mom, I took care of him, fed him, bathed him, consoled him. But, now he's able to show his love for me. He hugs me, "kisses" me, and wants to be near me. It's the greatest feeling in the world. Even better than that epidural I talked about! :)

Happy Birthday Baby! You're worth more than words to us. You are our everything.

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