The Family

The Family

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What a Day

Wow. Today was one of those days when I just wanted to pull my hair out...and I actually think I tried to at one point. It started out okay. I woke up on time, was able to get ready without any major catastrophes, and even got the boys ready on time. Things were going my way. Until I pulled out of my garage. I had to drive Carl's truck today because he took my car in to get an estimate with a body shop (I got rear-ended a few weeks ago) I hate driving his truck. It's fairly big, which makes things like parking...which I am already hideous at...even harder. Plus, it's really hard to get the boys in and out of the truck. Plus, I kinda feel out of character in it. Like a tough, deer huntin' and muddin' kind of girl. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's far from me. Plus, you have to turn the key in the ignition about three times before it actually starts. Which is quite embarrassing because of the awful squealing sound it makes when it won't start. But, he was doing me a favor by taking it in for me, so I didn't complain. Except here on the blog. Anyways, I turned the truck on, threw it in reverse, and gunned it. I admit I do kind of like hearing the loud pipes roar. Kind of makes me feel powerful. Or redneck. Well, the sound of the pipes were followed by a crash. I had failed to remember that when I'm pulling out in Carl's truck, I have to pay close attention to the side mirror. This resulted in one less side mirror on Carl's truck. Sad thing is, the is not the first side mirror which I have decapitated.

It was shattered and left dangling by a small wire. I sat there with the truck running, contemplating telling Carl now or later. I decided there's no time like the present. So, I called him and told him to come outside and that he was going to kill me. When he came outside, he had a disgusted look. But, it seemed he was looking past me. In the side mirror drama, I had failed to notice that ten panels of our fence were now scattered across our yard, instead of standing nicely in a row like fences do. As if that wasn't bad enough, our basketball goal was snapped in half at the base. (we had a windy, stormy night last night) What a moment for me to show Carl the mirror. He didn't really have much to say except that we had about a thousand dollars worth of damage on our hands. Sweet.

So, I got to school in a fairly grumpy mood. Things just got worse from there...most of which I am not going to explain because requisitions and purchase orders would probably bore you to death. By lunchtime I was feeling a little better. I had an email from a teacher that was wanting some specific books checked out. My day suddenly brightened. "This I can do!", I thought. So, I gathered the books and even put them in this cute little cart that I haven't had a chance to use yet. I happily headed down the hallway to deliver her books at the other end of the building. Most of our hallway is hard floor except when you get to the first grade area. Well, now I know my cute little cart cannot make the switch from hard floor to carpet successfully. No, the little piece that seperates the two different floor surfaces was too much for the little cart to handle. It suddenly toppled forward, taking me with it. I landed on my belly, on top of the cart. The twenty-five books were sprawled out all over the floor. I jumped up immediately and looked around. The hallway was clear, so that was a relief. There had been no witnesses to my clumsy fall. I guess that was one positive thing from the day.

Oh, and I failed to mention that last night was the precursor to today's events. Yesterday evening as Cale was playing with the dollar store helium balloon I bought for him, I suddenly heard a loud sound. The balloon had become tangled in the fan and somehow caused the bowl that was covering the lights to shatter. So that great dollar store purchase has now cost us about forty dollars. Sweet.

Oh well, there were some good points in the day. Like when Cale climbed in our bed this morning to watch cartoons because the storm had woken us all up earlier than usual. Or when our babysitter opened the door this afternoon and I got to hear Cale happily screaming, "Mommy! My mommy!" as he hugged my legs. Or the moment when I scooped Keaton up in my arms to take him home from Nonna's after being away from him all day. Or the moment when Cale came running back in Keaton's room because he forgot to kiss his "brudder" goodnight and tell him a very sincere and sweet, "I love you". I guess those were all pretty good moments. They kind of out weigh the bad.

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